Salesforce Lightning Migration by The Book

AdColony initially found us when they lost their in-house Salesforce Architect and the team needed direction and leadership. We played a temporary role to move their roadmap forward and manage the Sales Administration and support.

As we got to know AdColony and the complex media challenges they faced as the largest mobile media platform, we learned that a Lightning Migration and a re-work of their global Sales processes would be a massive value-add for their business.

We undertook a requirements process to design and MVP cutover, market by market and channel by channel using user profiles. This effort involved all of the major business stakeholders to correctly define the new global sales process and manage the data migration necessary as well as the user training and experience.

The new UI and experience were met with excellent review despite all of the challenging variables at play. Additionally, we were able to set the foundations for a much-improved integration with their backend ERP system which allowed them to calculate revenue, profits and sales commissions with much greater accuracy and at near real-time.